The producers of ‘Chha Ekan Chha‘ organized a press meet to announce that a 22-year-old Sandip Magar was arrested by the police for recording the movie in theater and releasing it in YouTube.
In the press meet, Deepak Raj Giri, Deepa Shree Niraula and Nirmal Sharma felt satisfaction on the arrest of the pirate. The producers were worried about the overseas market that had already earned them 40 lakh in Rights.
Magar had recorded the movie in Kalanki Theater in mobile phone. He had uploaded it through a cyber café. The producers have also claimed 50 lakh in lost revenue.
The video was 50 minutes long and is removed from the online video hosting site.
The movie released on January 10 and had become the first movie Niramal could recover his investment. Although the review of the movie wasn’t that promising, the initial collection of the movie was record breaking.
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