Popular item dancer of Nepali movies, Archana Gelal, is going to be featured in a Bengali movie. The movie titled, ‘Sada Kalo Akasher Canvase’ will feature Archana in lead roles. In a press meet held in Kathmandu on February 2, the director Tanvin Rafik told that he has seen the talent in Archana for the role.
The movie, named ‘Mayako Parichaya’ in Nepali language, will be shot mostly in Nepal. After the completion of 60 percent shooting in Nepal, remaining part will be shot in Bangladesh.
Apart from Archana, all other artists in the movie will be Bengali. Archana was selected in an audition held to select a Nepali artists that fit in the role of the movie.
The movie is being produced jointly by Cloud 9, a Bengali company and Nepalese Stardom Entertainment Films, a Nepali company. The movie will be the debut movie of the director Rafik. He had been directing TV serials, advertisements and other videos in the past.
After the completion of the current movie, the director told that he has also planned his next project ‘Good Evening Kathmandu’.
Archana had done a hot item dance in ‘Dhuwani’ and she has also done an item dance in upcoming movie ‘Damdar’. (Source: xNepali.net)
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