In recent days actress Rekha Thapa hasn’t taken care of her body and has gained a lot of weight. The example of how fat she has become is the centerfold of ‘Saptahik’ weekly. A part of the photo attached below shows Rekha’s waist-line as big as her chest (there is high chance, she might have pulled the belly in and, it still is this big).
Rekha has recently announced her upcoming movie ‘Himmatwali’ under Rekha Films. The movie demands a trim and fit actress in lead role.
To trim herself down, she has set aside one month duration. We don’t think weight loss is that easy. So, if ‘Himmatwali’ is delayed, it would be clear that Rekha couldn’t loose enough weight.
There is also an additional option. As the movie is home production, she might even modify the character to fit her body.
Whatever might be the case, we at eVideoBuzz with Rekha Thapa all the best for loosing her weight and the success of her movie.
(Photo credit – Saptahik weekly)- Source:
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