Priyanka Chopra has recently twited that she will be visiting Nepal. She mentioned Prabal Gurung (a Nepali born American fashion designer) and said to meet him in Nepal. She prasied Prabal Gurung after she was looking stunning in the dresses designed by Prabal. She also uploaded pictures of her wearing Prabal Gurung. Prawal gurung and Priyanka recently met in New York. It is learned that Prabal Gurung is bringing Priyanka fro "Sikshya Foundation".
A program organised few days ago in New York had decided to bring Sharukh Khan and Priyanka Chopra in Nepal for "Sikshya Foundation". But the news settled unexpectedly. Priyanka has large fans following in Nepal and she made her fans happy by announcing to visit Nepal. But the date of her visit to Nepal is still not fixed.
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